Digital Knowledge Management

With the new intelligent services (Google Assistant/Home, Alexa, Siri and others) the technology of delivering information about your company has changed significantly.  In this new world of structured data, business owners rely on knowledgeable professionals to help them deliver the most accurate and timely data about their company to their customers. After all, how can an intelligent service be intelligent if the data about your business is wrong?

Navigating the complex and expansive world of digital knowledge can be confusing and time consuming.  This is where the Digital Knowledge Managers (DKM’s) at Spyridon Technologies come in.  We can give businesses control of these crucial facts, putting your business information in your customers’ hands where your customers are looking for it. Rather than trying to correct this information manually in multiple places it resides on the web, our DKM’s manage your digital knowledge all from a central platform.  Let us do the work of putting all of the pieces together so you can concentrate on running your business.

Do search assistants have a high level of confidence about your vital business information as they scan the web?  Will your customers see consistent information about your business when they search for you?   Contact us today to learn more about our Digital Knowledge Management Services and how we can help your business maintain accurate and up to date information across the web.